Sunday, February 14, 2016

Christianity Is Not Compatible With Evolution, Carrie Geren Scoggins
"Christianity not compatible with evolution, Carrie Geren Scoggins,"
 Do not pollute the gospel with non-Christian beliefs.
Blending antichrist-ian beliefs with Biblical doctrines is akin to having a glass of clean water, then adding mud. Do not muddy the water! 
Evolution was used by the Nazi party as an introductory to spiritual evolution, a new age tenet teaching some humans have evolved higher than others, having gone through more life cycles of death, reincarnation, evolving upward each time, than others, and that racial minorities were lesser evolved. This is a racist tenet of spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, and in Theosophy.

Darwin's writings were littered with racist statements, and his view that minorities were lesser evolved humans than the Caucasians. This false teaching also found in Hinduism's spiritual evolution.

Liberal revisionist historians negate to mention Darwin's racism, or that his cousin Sir Francis Galton started the European eugenics movement. Galton's eugenics program would wipe out the minorities from their gene pool, fueling racial cleansing of the Nazi Party.

Planned Parenthood, started by KKK supporter Margaret Sanger, was the U.S. eugenics programs, targeting minorities for abortion candidates.

Another reason evolution is not compatible with Christianity.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Debunking evolution is not a difficult task, yet the real issue here is that we can not bring in non-Biblical teachings into the church, 'muddying the water.'
Intelligent design, God created man. Genesis 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Societies based on the belief in evolution, from Hinduism with it's class system, to pre-Nazi Germany's new age movement and Theosophy, evolution has caused destruction. "Social Darwinism," was a term used to make it appear Scientific Darwinism was not the real basis of the Nazi's "Scientism," or eugenics, belief system.

Samuel George Morton, Darwinian Scientist and Nazi funded physician, used measuring skulls of minorities in attempts to prove that they were still in a sub-human lesser evolved state, and used this same technique attempting to make females appear inferior to males. 
Darwinism, and evolution,  used by Nazi's Morton, and Sir Francis Galton, to attempt to justify racist eugenics programs.

The German people would not have accepted the false belief system of Darwinism, and evolution, the new age Theosophy with spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, had there not been a "great falling away," of exodus from the churches. The rise of the gay movement of pre-Nazi Germany was also a direct result of having left the Bible, & going into other religions, the reason Romans states is why one is given over to a reprobate mind [Romans 1:21, 1:24, 1:28]
The German people would not have accepted the false belief system of Darwinism, and evolution, the new age Theosophy with spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, had there not been a "great falling away."

An exodus from the churches also gave way to the rise of the gay movement of
pre-Nazi Germany was also a direct result of having left the Bible, & going into
other religions, the reason Romans states is why one is given over to a reprobate mind [Romans 1:21, 1:24, 1:28]

Rev. 22:18-19, do not add unto nor take away from the scriptures, do not mix other beliefs in with the Bible, nor remove any teaching of scripture. In Germany had not replaced the creation story from Genesis, not left Christianity for the new age and neo-pagan movement, the Nazi Party could not have taken control! #popefrancis #pope #Christian #evolution #Darwin #Darwinism #religion #Blacklivesmatter #tcot #teaparty #anonymous #anon #expectus #Bible #Jesus

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